The laboratory of Network Analysis and the Science of Science (NASS) brings together an interdisciplinary group of economists, statisticians and scientometricians working on science of science. The topics covered range from the dynamics of scientific knowledge production to the role of gatekeepers of science, from classification techniques for journals and articles to bibliometric indicators and their use for research evaluation. The basic surrounding idea of NASS research program is to model science and academic activity as a multilayer network comprising: (i) the semantic layer consisting of scientific concepts, theories, research methods and other epistemic content; (ii) the layer of the material supports (articles, books) and their material connections, mainly citations, where it is possible to observe the impact and dissemination of ideas within the academic community; (iii) the social layer composed by researchers, journals, institutions, gatekeepers, who are responsible for the construction, reproduction, transmission and use of knowledge for policy purposes.